Unfortunately, today was the day we had to say good bye to our kitty, Logan. Logan came to us when she was two weeks old with her brother, Pirate, and her mom, Angel. Pirate was a sick little kitten. We tried everything we could, but he didn’t make it. We were determined to do everything we could to make sure Logan stayed healthy, and she did!
Logan and Angel were fosters. We kept them until Logan was eight weeks old, then we returned them to the shelter to be adopted. Well, we tried to return them to the shelter to be adopted. We brought them back to the shelter, and we came home and cried. What if they didn’t get adopted by nice people?
First thing the next morning, I called the shelter and told them we wanted to adopt Logan. I picked the kids up at school that afternoon and told them I had to stop by the shelter to pick something up. My daughter cried she was so excited when she found out that Logan was the thing I had to pick up!
Logan was such a good sport. Our daughter loved to play with her, and that meant Logan danced with her and played piano with her, and she even played school with her.

Logan has had some health issues for the last couple of years. She had kidney issues and became diabetic a couple of months ago. We tried treating her, but last week’s blood work showed that the medications were helping some things and damaging other things.
The vet suggested euthanizing before she really started to suffer. It was really difficult to make the appointment. She seemed happy. We spent the weekend spoiling her with lots of extra attention, and special dinners of tuna, chicken, and other fish, all treats she hadn’t been able to have in a while because of her kidney issues.
This morning I realized she was no longer cleaning herself, and she wouldn’t eat her breakfast. It was time. There was no reason to let her suffer.
The house is definitely feeling a bit empty this afternoon. After sixteen and a half years, it’s very strange to not have our Logan. Rest in peace sweet girl.