Animal Experiences

An interesting email showed up today. It seems that World Animal Protection has teamed up with Airbnb to provide new animal experiences to travelers.

According to the email from World Animal Protection US, they have created an Animal Welfare policy to guide the new tours. They say there are now over 1,000 opportunities available for animal-friendly events inluding things like hiking with rescue dogs, and having tea with sheep.

As an animal lover, I’m really intrigued by this idea. Of course I would never want an animal to suffer for entertainment value, but if there is truly a way to leave animals in their natural environment and have human interaction, I think it could be a really awesome thing.

The email goes on to state that the activities will all be led by local hosts that include small farmers, rescue groups, scientists, vets, and wildlife photographers. The idea is that there will be experiences for people to enjoy observing animals in natural habitats.  Direct contact with any animal is prohibited, marine mammals can not be held in captivity, and there are guidelines for working animals.

“We know people love animals and want to see and experience them when they travel, but we also know they most want to see animals in a setting that respects their well-being.” Alesia Soltanpanah, Executive Director, World Animal Protection US

Thankfully, there will be no elephant rides or dolphin swims. I will be very curious to see what is offered.  What do you think?

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Welcome to PetMomma - I am a lifetime animal lover, wife, and mom. I've had all kinds of pets including horses, snakes, lizards, chinchillas, birds, cats, dogs, etc. The current zoo includes a bossy Morkie, a bearded dragon, four cats, and one African Grey who rules them all! I love to write and realized I wasn't doing enough of it, so this blog was born to combine two of my passions. Contact me at: [email protected] Enjoy!

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